Friday, May 26, 2017

Tonight's blog: 5.26.17

Today is Friday night (5.26.17)
 Took my pills for the night and, had two spoons of peanut butter for supper. Sorry, for being so late on this, I never had to do a journal during school. Got done with my swap about two days ago and, it's ready to go to Oklahoma, now I'm waiting for mine to come. I'm doing a boy beanie, a ten stitch zigzag blanket and, a boomerang shawl almost at the same time working on the zigzag, more than the others. 
 Brb, need to get something to get rid of the taste in my mouth (peanut butter), okay I'm back with some tea, watching The Talk, going to work on the zigzag blanket tonight, to see how far I get with it. {did two rows on it.} got a cuppa of Apple Cider and watching live tv now.  On row 59 (zag knit), gotta go now talk to you later, bye guys.  Knittygirl out